12 The Most Favorite and Interesting Tourist Attractions To Visit When Traveling to Magelang

2,905 If you have traveled to Magelang, perhaps the most known tourist attractions you know in Magelang are Borobudur temple or Malioboro in Jogjakarta. Yes, indeed both of these destinations are already known to many people. However, Magelang now has many new tourist attractions that are required and very interesting to visit when you are…

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“The Heaven of Light” Behind The Hill

1,647 Hi, do you admit you are a sunrise hunter? Bored of sunrise and mainstream attractions? Try to search “Puthuk Setumbu” on your gadget. Puthuk Setumbu is one of the tourist attractions in Magelang, its location is not far from Borobudur Temple. You can use “Google Map or Waze” to help your journey! Oh yes,…

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