Kedai Rakyat W’Dank Bukit Rhema is now opened. This cafe is located on the back of Bukit Rhema. The scenery is also beautiful with the view from the crown of the dove-shaped building.
Kedai Rakyat W’dank Bukit Rhema is opened in the mid of 2017 and immediately becomes the most hits culinary attraction in Magelang. In addition to its location on the hill, this place serves delicious traditional food. For those of you who have been visiting to Bukit Rhema or known as the Chicken Church, it is certainly not difficult to find the culinary location of this Kedai Rakyat. Yes, it is due the fact that the location is on the back side of the Chicken Church building.
Can you imagine how cool this place? After you are exhausted enjoying every corner of Bukit Rhema which suits your selfie or wefie with your friends, you can also directly enjoy the special Fried Cassava dish because every ticket you pay to go to Bukit Rhema / Chicken Church can be exchanged with Fried Cassava; it is given with traditional sauce called Latela Gombong Cassava. The cassava served at Kedai Rakyat W’Dank Bukit Rhema is processed by local residents around the Bukit Rhema area, namely Gombong Hamlet.
In addition to fried cassava that you can get for free, you can also buy a variety of hot drinks menu (wedang) and cold drinks. If you want to eat, you can order various fried foods or various angkringan (road-side food stall) menu. This dish angkringan menu is also made by residents around Bukit Rhema / Chicken church.
For those of you who drop by to this culinary place, it will not complete if you have not photographed your pose drinking wedang while looking at the beautiful scenery of menoreh valley. Interesting, right? After you are satisfied taking photos of drinks you ordered with some variety of angles, you can relax while enjoying the scenery around Bukit Rhema / Chicken church surrounded by several mountains, especially if you come at sunrise since the view is more interesting. Even you visit here by yourself, it is guaranteed that you will not be dissapointed!
Let’s try it at the Kedai Rakyat W’Dank Bukit Rhema. Cassava flavor is not the same as fried cassava that you usually eat.