One of the government’s efforts in increasing state revenues through foreign exchange is through the tourism sector. Therefore, the development of this sector becomes the thing that should be highly prioritized by the stakeholders.

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya explained that among the three export orientations are trade, investment and tourism, only the tourism sector is considered to be a pioneer, in order to trigger economic growth of trade and investment in Indonesia.

“Indonesia is still very difficult to excel in trade and investment, even to beat Singapore. But we can be the world’s main tourism destinations, as well as tourism hub that can also help to grow the trade and investment sector, “said Arief in his office, Jakarta, Monday, February 20th 2017.

Arief explained, the absence of the best industry from Indonesia to be displayed internationally, making this country difficult to compete with the creative economy typical of South Korea, the American digital industry, or even the superiority of the Japanese automotive sector.

“If at the provincial level, Bali or Yogya, it exists. But nationally also can not be echoed as the best in the regional and global level, “said Arief.

Therefore, Arief asserted if the strengthening of the tourism sector should be a core business for Indonesia, so that this country can compete in the global economy among other countries in the world.

Arief also hopes that the government can prioritize the budget in the tourism sector, including in the provision of facilities and infrastructure such as the feasibility of international-class airport, to meet the logical consequences.

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“Because if we want to be the world’s major tourism destinations, then we must have an international-class airport. So for the 10 tourist destinations, must have an international airport. No need to be asked again later because it is a logical consequence of the areas that we make priority tourist destination, He said.

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